Grab the 5 Interview Secrets Other Teachers Won't Have

I'll show you how to prepare for your elementary teacher interviews, step-by-step, so you can walk through those school doors feeling as confident as a toddler in an Elsa costume at the grocery store.

Download my FREE, 5-step blueprint so you can learn exactly what I did to land my dream job and what I taught hundreds of student teachers so they could do the same. 

"Thanks to your amazing resource, I was able to get my first teaching position after my second interview!! I was able to get practice at my first and completely crush my second! You have made this possible for me and given me the confidence I needed!! This seriously has been life changing! A great deal of my dream has come true because of you!!!! I can’t thank you enough!! From the bottom of my heart, thank you πŸ’œ I seriously did land my dream teaching job on my first try! I still can’t believe it!!"

Danielle Masse
First-Year Elementary Teacher

Inside this Resource, You will Learn:

  1. What to do the week before your interview, step-by-step.

  2. What to include in your teaching portfolio (and how to create it).

  3. What the most challenging interview questions are (and how to answer them).

  4. What to ask the school so you don't get stuck in a job you hate.

  5. What to do the day of the interview (and after) to set yourself apart.

Click Here to Learn Exactly How to Land Your Dream Job Now for Free

Hey there, I'm Lori

I was born in Melfort, Saskatchewan, Canada, and I grew up in a half-dozen little prairie towns because my dad was a Royal Canadian Police Officer. No he did not ride a horse, even though he was bow-legged. πŸ˜‚

I lived and taught elementary school for ten years in Canada, Hong Kong, and Japan, and I taught pre-service educators at the University of Lethbridge. 

I'm host of the Beginning Teacher Talk podcast with more than 140,000 downloads and creator of the R.E.A.D.Y. for School Academy. I've been honored to serve thousands of new teachers and help them prepare for their first years of teaching. 

And yes, I did land my dream job at the perfect school, Mike Mountain Horse Elementary in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. I even taught the superintendent's granddaughters... 😁 #holycowthatwascary 
Want me to show you how I did it? 

Click Here to Learn Exactly How to Land Your Dream Job

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