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READY for the School Year with First-Year Teacher Kelsey Moody

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Show Notes:

Are you a beginning teacher getting ready for your very first year of teaching? If so, you’re going to love today’s episode because I am talking to Kelsey Moody, who is also preparing for the upcoming school year.

Kelsey is from West Virginia, and will be teaching fourth grade this fall. She is also a student in my R.E.A.D.Y. for School Academy. She has been going through the program with us for the past two months. So, you're going to get to hear from a beginning teacher who's literally getting ready for the school year in real time, right now, with the help of the academy. 

If you've been on the fence about joining the academy, or if you're trying to decide if this is something that you might want to invest in, Kelsey might be able to shed some light and give you some insight into how it's been helpful for her. Then you can make a decision about whether or not this is something that would be helpful for you as well.

Doors are open to the academy until July 20, 2022. If you've been thinking about joining, please don't wait too much longer! I want to ensure that you get in before we close the doors so that you get access to an entire community of support. 

One of the things that I hear from new teachers so often is that everyone feels like they're going through this alone. You do not have to do this alone. When you join the Academy, you’ll be able to prepare for the school year with hundreds of other new teachers who are going through the same process that you are. 

When Kelsey was trying to decide whether or not she was going to join the Academy, one of her biggest hesitations was the cost. What ultimately led her to take the plunge and join was when she realized how many incredible resources were included with her enrollment, like classroom decor! She saw how much money she was actually saving by joining the Academy rather than purchasing everything separately from my TPT store.

“Honestly, I've gotten way more value than you charge. I think that [the Academy] is underpriced. If I would to add up every little thing that I've gotten, it would have added up to way more. Plus, just the confidence that I have going into this year, and less stress and nerves about it, has been worth every penny.” -Kelsey

Kelsey also shares how she feels now that she is in the midst of the course and what she has more control over as she prepares to start a new school year. She has streamlined how she plans to run her classroom by taking what she has learned in the Academy and implementing it for herself. Kelsey now has a data notebook, a plan for how she’ll lay out her classroom, the confidence to interact with parents, and a solid grasp on a classroom management system.

I hope that you enjoy this conversation with Kelsey as much as I did. It was so much fun to have the opportunity to sit down and get to know her a little better one on one.


Regardless of whether or not you’re ready to join us in the Academy, you're invited to my new, free masterclass: How to Get Ready for the School Year in 5 Weeks or Less. Just click below to learn more and save your seat now!

Inside this week's show, you'll learn:

  • How to wipe away any feelings of isolation you may be experiencing in the months leading up to your first year of teaching.
  • The value in deciding on a cohesive (and functional) done-for-you classroom theme.
  • Which pieces of the R.E.A.D.Y. for School Academy has been the most valuable for Kelsey, and how it has helped her streamline her systems.
  • The power in seeing specific examples of how to implement teaching strategies.
  • Why the classroom jobs portion of the Academy has been Kelsey’s biggest “aha moment”.
  • Smart tips for “setting and forgetting” your classroom set up to save you time year after year.

Links & resources mentioned inside this episode:

I hope this information is helpful as you prepare for your first, second, or third year of teaching. Until next time, remember, just because you're a beginning elementary teacher, there's no need for you to struggle like one.

πŸ’› Lori

Dr. Lori Friesen | Beginning Teacher Mentor

Creator of the R.E.A.D.Y. for School Academy, Dr. Lori Friesen has mentored thousands of beginning teachers across the country through her workshops and courses. Host of the popular podcast, Beginning Teacher Talk, and creator of the innovative literacy program for 1st and 2nd grade, Dogs Help Kids Read and Succeed, Dr. Lori is dedicated to serving educators and inspiring learners. Learn more at and at

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